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Hello Everyone. How are you? Things here are great.

Most likely if you are reading this, you either know me and were looking for me, or your really bored at home and surfing the web endlessly. If it's the latter, there really won't be any good stuff for you here...sorry. Just boring old me.
About me: I am a field engineer with Northrup Grumman. I go to school full-time as well, I think I am going for a EE, but I might change to a CompSci...I just don't know. I'd rather win the lottery and not go to school at all.
I live in Colorado Springs with my husband and our 5 dogs. My babies...check them out by clicking on the link above.

The background you ask? Well out of the few countries I have visited, Italy has been my favorite. I hope to go back there someday, as a contractor, making great money and living the Italian life for a few years. Joe is all geared up for it too. Maybe after I get my degree.