Italian Greyhound Rescue of Pennsylvania


Updated! 3/1/2009
IGS currently needing homes

Successful adoption stories

How to adopt a rescue dog

How you can help IG Rescue
(even if you can't adopt or foster)

Now that you've
adopted an IG
here are some things you might need

A few of our Iggy friends


Welcome to our website! We are:

Niki Priester (Pittsburgh, Pa.)
724 327-9433
Western Pa. Rescue representative

Camille Bowen (Jersey Shore, Pa.)
Central Pa. Rescue representative

Angela Carducci
Website coordinator

and we are proud to be volunteers for the Italian Greyhound Club of America Rescue organization. This site is in honor of:

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Bo, who went through several homes before finding his forever home with Angela. He introduced Angela to IG Rescue and continues to inspire her every day.

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Claire, who was bred twice before the age of three and pregnant when she came to IG Rescue, but now living the wonderful life she has always deserved with Melissa Redlin, our former Northeast Ohio representative!

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Madeline, who went to the Rainbow Bridge in October 2001. Her quiet dignity was loved by all who knew her, including her foster mom, Western Pa. representative Niki Priester.


We need foster homes! If you're in Pennsylvania or the surrounding areas and would like to make a real difference in the lives of needy IG Rescue dogs, please complete our volunteer application and e-mail Niki or Camille!

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Please don't support puppy mills by buying an IG from a pet store. We hope you'll consider adopting your new IG from IG Rescue, or click here for information on finding a reputable breeder.


Please support our local dog shelters and dog-friendly businesses!

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