Welcome to Tazmanian Berners
This is my main page and will provide
you the access to the other pages of my site! Enjoy your visit and don't forget to
sign my guestbook!
Just click on a button to be "led
off leash"
My Berners Pictures of my dogs, and a history of my love of this breed! |
My Memorial Page Memorials to those on the Rainbow Bridge and some
inspirational thoughts. |
Want to post Your Pet? A place to memorialize your pet. |
My fascination with
University of Tennessee Football
My appreciation of the
University of Tennessee's Lady Vols Basketball This
link doesn't work - they are still in obedience training. |
My Web Rings and

Please place your "paw
print" in my guestbook!

My Spiritbook
My Spiritbook

graphics on these pages are courtesy of:
Anita Reay's Bernese Mountain Dog Page
Over the Fence
You are visitor number:
All of the Tazmanian graphics and names are registered trademarks of the Warner
Brothers. The images, names, etc. on this page are copyrighted items of Warner Brothers.
None of them endorse this web sit or are they affiliated with this page in any way. This
page and the following pages were created strictly for the enjoyment of Taz and Bernese
Mountain Dog fans!
created by PoohHunney@aol.com
Please visit her website
Smackerals &
Gopher's Hole Too!
Page Created: May 14, 1999
Page Updated: July 4, 2000