
Judith Kinsel
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Voice: (719) 570-0937
Fax: (719) 572-0959

KRITTRKORNR is a small, in-home cattery in the foothills of Pikes Peak, Colorado. We began breeding Persians in 1987 with bi-colors and solids (ONE of each, which gave us a LOT of bi-colors as we were completely naïve about genetics). We finally wised up, got a solid male, and a couple of bi-color females (and more control over the colors we were gifted with). We were registered with CFA (The Cat Fanciers Association, Inc) in 1987, with ACFA (American Cat Fanciers Association) in 1988, and with TICA (The International Cat Association) in 1999. All KRITTRKORNR kittens are registered both CFA and TICA, and can easily be registered ACFA, if requested.
AFTER we had purchased what we considered would be all our breeding stock, we on an impulse purchased the first silver we had seen . . . gorgeous silver tabby, Remi Kloudyskye of KRITTRKORNR. Although very typy, “cobby” and with a coat that dragged the floor, she could not be shown because CFA would not accept her copper eyes. Times have changed, but too slowly for Kloudyskye. We would have loved to see her beat all these silvers that are in ring, even now. My daugher, Teri, fondly remembers one of Kloudyskye's litters . . . and one very special guy.
"Krittrkornr Zorro has been with me since the day he was born. My mother raises Persians, and the day he came along, I was at school. Kloudyskye was not due to have her kittens for a couple of days, but I had the feeling that I needed to go home and check on her. Needless to say, she had already had a couple of kittens in a couple of different spots. I got there in time to help deliver him. He was payment for my help in delivery of the litter. He is now 13 years old. He prefers kittens aged 2 months to 2 years old to play with."
After several years of almost nonexistence due to health problems, (human, not the cats), we have begun again. We have both silver and golden: chinchilla, shaded, and tabby. We occasionally have blue silvers, and possibly a blue golden here and there! Please go to our “Luvin'Krittrs” page to meet our staff.

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