Welcome to the wonderful world of the Dragon Fish!

This web is dedicated to bringing to you the latest information on Dragon Fish - that ancient fish of immense beauty and majestic beauty, and one believed by many to bring to its owner good fortune and wealth.

Hi I'm Leslie Cheong.
Great to know that you are visiting this web. I have just moved in.
So give me a little time to get things organised. Please come back soon and visit me.

The Dragon Fish is also known as Asian Arowana
It is a large fish which lives naturally in rivers and lakes.
A great companion to have, the Dragon will follow you with his eyes wherever you go.
The body of the Dragon is clothed with large metallic-like scales that shimmers like the clothes of a Emperor.
If you are thinking of rearing one Dragon, better stay healthy, because it not only lives very long (some 30 - 50 years) but will also give you immense joy and pleasure which only can be enjoyed in good health!


E-mail me at ljcheong@pacific.net.sg in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.

Links to other sites on the Web

Singapore's second CITES-registered Dragon Fish farm
Singapore third CITES-registered Dragon Fish farm
An interesting web on Dragon Fish
A Dragon Fish farm and trading company

May the Dragon be with you!

© 1997 ljcheong@pacific.net.sg

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