Ferret Family Services
Domestic Ferret Information and Education Public Service Organization

PO Box 186
Manhattan KS 66505-0186
E-mail: sprite@ksu.edu

10 Commandments For A Responsible Ferret Guardian

1. My life is likely to last 5-10 years, any separation from you will be painful. When you decide to make me part of your life, let it be forever. If at some time in our lives you cannot keep me, make sure that my new home will provide what I need and will supply the love, care, and socialization I crave.

2. Let me teach you to understand me and what I need from you. I will test you from time to time to make sure you remember the lessons.

3. Keep me safe and secure. Protect me from others that would harm me. I depend on you. You are my lifeline.

4. Talk to me and cuddle me. Your voice is as enjoyable to my ears as birds sweetly singing are to yours. Your gentle touch is as warm as the soft rays of the sun.

5. I need fresh nutritional food and fresh water, warm clean blankets to cuddle in during winter, cool clean blankets to lay on in the heat of the summer. My litter box and cage should be cleaned daily. Hugs and social time each and every day. Do no put me in a cage outside. I belong inside with my family.

6. I will make many mistakes. I am not perfect. Be gentle when you correct me.

7. Don't get angry at me. I am an intelligent, joyous, curious creature and WILL get into things. Know that this is how I am. I am not trying to be destructive. I depend on you to watch out for me and protect me from danger.

8. Never hit me or shake me. I am small and can be hurt very easily. When you are angry at someone or something else, do not take it out on me. I have nothing to give you but love and joy. This is my true nature.

9. Take special care of me as I grow older. I may play less but I stil love you just as much as when I was young enough to dance. Monitor me closely for I will experience ailments as I grow older.

10. When I no longer enjoy life and I am in pain with no relief, please stay with me till the end. I have given you my life and love. Don't disappoint me in my last moments here on this earth. Tell me that you love me and hold me close. Let my passing be gentle.

Always remember that I love you.