Laynie, The Hudnall's Pokey Lil' Puppy

Hi!! I'm POKEY!! Well, I'm really "Laynie," but I'm soooo "pokey" that my parents have been calling me that until they could come up with a "real" name! I like the name Pokey, but they say it's only a "puppy" name, so they had to come up with a name to grow into. If you want to know how they got my "real" name, look at Day 6 of my Journal.

I was born on May 23, 1999, and I lived in a kennel with LOTS of other brothers and sisters. I am 7 weeks old now. I am not sure what to think about my new home yet, except that it is sooo much quieter, and my mom & dad are sooooooo sweet! I LOVE to be in their laps and sleep, and I especially like to lick my dad :) The hardest thing about my new home is that my folks have to leave me all alone when they go to work. I howl and howl at them as they go, but they just keep on going. I hope I get used to this routine soon, coz I am so sad when they leave.

Also, I can't figure out about where they want me to go to the potty...they don't seem to know either really. All I know is that they take me outside and say, "Go potty" about 50 times and I just wander around not knowing what's going on. Then when I squat and go to the bathroom, they yell, "Good girl!!!" so maybe we'll get it figured out someday.

I love to play on the bed, but I have gone to the potty there and they have yelled, "No!!!" and carried me outside or to some newspaper. But I still love to play on the bed. I'll try to be more careful. I like to chase my stuffed bear on the bed. I think I'm going to like fetching!. Except that I'd rather act tough and shake it rather than bring it back. I also like to act like I'm digging in the pillows. That's great fun!

When mom is typing on her laptop on the bed I love the clicking sound and try to grab her fingers. She doesn't like me biting her hands and feet, but I sure do try to. She just says, "no" and throws me my teddy bear... SoI go get it and start chewing on it instead of her!!

Click on these pics to see larger pics of me and my family.

paws prints across

My sister, Katie .
My mom, Mary.
My nephew, Paul.
Sleepin’ on Dad!!
Let me out!
My "showdog" pose!

Here are a few new pictures from mom’s second roll. Click on a picture to see a larger print.

paws prints across

Working on my webpage.
Hmmm. I need to think.
Lookin' good :)
I’ll rest a minute!
My teddy :)
This grass is coool!
Meeting Goober - ARF!
I weigh 4 pounds!

Click here to meet my NEW FRIENDS!

I LOVE my new friends!!

Click on the stork to read my Journal

Come see more pics in my journal!

Click here to go to my Texas Cowgurl page

Howdy, ya'll, come on in!!

I got to take a really fun vacation to the Texas Hill Country. Click below to go to that page.


I got BLESSED!! Come see how!

I am starting a Links page. I'd love to add you if you would like me to. Please Pleez email me. me and let me know if you want your webpage to be included. I would love to have lots of cross links. Click on this cute beagle to email me.

Email Laynie!!

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Relaxing after a hard day's work!! Come back soon to watch me grow up! Also click on this picture to go to my mom's homepage and learn more about our family.

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