<BGSOUND SRC="/rdeweyweldon/magicman.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Quality German Shorthaired Pointers For Serious Competition Homes
The Best Starts Here And Now!
Looking for DEW-WEL'S RISING STAR also known as Ike... He was placed without my knowledge or permission as a companion dog in or around the area of Auberry California... If you know of his whereabouts please call collect 1-810-324-2361 or e-mail me at dewwelsgsp@advnet.net
I  just need to know he is alright
Thank you Ruthann Dewey-Weldon  Ike's breeder
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All photo's are property of Dew-Wel Kennels and can not be copied.. Thank you ... Ruthann Dewey-Weldon