Making fun of school at Walt Disney World

We’re going to Disney World!


Now, we know that educational opportunities abound at the Magic Kingdom and its environs, but there seems to be precious little in the way of online unit studies, lesson plans, etc.


That’s where this site comes in!  Necessity being the mother of invention and all, we’ve racked our brains to come up with come fun and creative educational preparations for the pre-Disney months.


We hope you’ll enjoy the next few pages, and feel free to write us with your ideas!

How This Works


Each park has its own page.  Additionally, there is a page for the rest of the resort and another page for travel planning and general information.


The listings assume you already know what rides and attractions are available at the parks; if not, you need to check out AllEarsNet or purchase (or borrow, or check out from the library) a recent Walt Disney World travel guide.  There are lots of good ones*, so I’m not going to reproduce their efforts here.


If there is a park program at the resort that will reinforce your at-home schooling, I’ve listed that under the appropriate area.  Unless there is a notation “(free),” there is a cost in addition to your park admission involved.  For reservations, call 407-W-DISNEY.


Also, if I’ve come across a specific resource (book, CD-ROM, etc.) that I feel is excellent, I’ve included that as a recommended resource.  If I have no resources listed, it’s not that none exists; only that I’m just getting started here and my first priority is to get the ideas up.  Besides, it’s better if you do the specifics yourself… find out what’s available at your local library so you don’t have to buy a bunch of stuff.


This isn’t grouped into ages (although activities with age restrictions are noted).  You know what will challenge and excite your kids, whatever age they are.  Everything can be taken up a notch or down, depending on your needs.




*PassPorter, Unofficial Guide, Hassle-Free, Birnbaum