How to train your human in the art of conformation showing!!!
Step1-make her think your listening intently!!!
I should introduce myself, my name is Yoshi and this is my human handler Cindy we're from Ontario, Canada. As you'll see in the following pictures we haven't practised much together but Cindy does try hard.....
Step2- we're doing pretty good here I have her showing off her knee in this pic...
Ok here's a good side view of Cindy!!!
She's not really good at stacking yet but we're working on it....
Here we're really working together as a team.
Hmmm I may be new to this showing business but I don't think your human is supposed to be on the ground. I definitely
better see what she's doing here!!!
Now that I have her right where I wanted her, I can really show all of you my moves!!!!
I really think we should be in agility, not conformation.
This whole business is very distracting!!! Cindy's yelling " I lost my dog"" and I have Chris and Nyla laughing so hard they're crying...
Boy this girl is persistent she actually wants to try this again!!!!!