These are my precious kids. I got my first baby 1/97, she is all white and adorable. My next two arrived on Aug 27,1997, they were cream at first and now are fawn and white. They are brother and sister. I would love to have more; but I live in a small trailer. Who knows, there's always room for more. I live alone and my family is in another state and I like alot of company.

Mom has take many photos of us, so please stay around and look at our photos!

My Chihuahua family consists of...Peppy (male) who is 2 years old. Tippy (female) who is also 2 years old. And Missy (female) who is 3 years old. We are very protective of mom and our house. Mom says were good protectors. All of us are registered with the American Canine Association.
Missy is the oldest, mom had her 8 months before we joined the family. Hope you enjoy our home on the web. Feel free to e mail us or sign our guestbook! Thanks for coming.

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AAA Matilda Australia

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