Welcome to Arnold's Condo!!
This is my owner's first Web Page, and it is in it's very early stages, but hopefully one day it will be as good as ME!!!
In case you haven't already noticed, my name is Arnold. I'm still a young kind of guy. I was born on November 3rd, 1997 in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. I'm a German Sheppherd/Black Lab mix. On December 18th, 1997 my life changed forever. I met a guy who played with me, let me bite his fingers, and let me lick his face. He then took me home with him. Things have never been the same !
These are my favourite things in the world!!
- My owner John!!!
- Chewing Davin's limbs (John's best friend)
- Bothering Sebastian whenever nobody is watching!
- Eating (especially human food!)
- Sleeping
- Fire hydrants