Neath Western Skies of Blue, the Santa Rosa Roundup Rodeo, a PRCA rodeo,is located in the historical Santa Rosa Rodeo Grounds on Hightway 283 South. This is in the heart of Santa Rosa Stud in Vernon, Texas, which was the home of the great quarter horse legend Poco Bueno and where Tiny's Gay, Bunny Bid, The Signature, Jet Deep, Game Plan, Super Sound Charge and other great quarter horse legends stood. E. Paul Waggoner started the first Santa Rosa Roundup in 1946.

This year the Santa Rosa Rodeo will be May 13-16. There will be a dance Friday and Saturday to Casey Pilgreen,

Wednesday 13
Parade-Downtown Vernon 3:00
Clown Contest @ Nocona Boot following parade
Santa Rosa Roundup BBQ 4:30 to 7:30 @ Rodeo
grounds in the Horse Palace
RODEO 7:30

RODEO 7:30

Friday 15
Rodeo 7:30 followed by Dance @ Rodeo
Grounds in the Hourse Palace featuring
RODEO 7:30

Saturday 16
Team Sorting @ Rodeo Grounds 9:00am
(Books open 8:00am) Rodeo 7:30 followed by
Dance at the Rodeo Grounds in the Horse Palace
RODEO 7:30

Tickets may be purchased at Norsworthy Music Center 1814 Main in Vernon. Rodeo Tickets
Advance box seats $10, Advance General Admission $8, Gate Box seats $12, Gate General
Admission $9. Dance Tickets also available at Norsworthy Music Center and at the dance.