
Andante Blue's

Poodle Penthouse

Hi! everybody my name is Andante and I just love when you all drop in for a chat. It gets very lonely out here in Cyberspace with only the Stars and Moonlight to keep me company. The nice people in Geocities invited me to move in to this fully furnished Penthouse for as long as I like. The neighbourhood is lovely and I think that I might stay permanently. If you have a few moments to spare I would love to share some of my Poodle things with you. I have lots of Articles on Health, History, Humour and General Poodle paraphenalia. So settle in and make yourselves at home, Go ahead and check out all the nooks and crannies. I am sure you will find some things to interest you and your Poodle friends.

"Search around, don't be shy

This is the place to seek and enjoy."

How old is your Poodle ?

Click on Heart to enter

Andante's Poodle Clinic

If you would like to while away

a minute or two why not drop in to my

Photo Gallery

and check out the rest of my family.

Just click on the image below.

Pet and Partner
Poodle Homepage
Poodle Haiku
Poodle Review
Poodle Playground

If you really want a treat why not visit

Nureyev's Poodle Horoscopes

This Site has Poodle Weekly Horoscopes.

Poodle Compatability Charts.

Poodle Lovescopes. And much more

History of the Poodle

My Ancestors were a fiercesome lot

Click on image above to enter Poodle History

Well I hope that you enjoyed your visit and will call again

You can e mail me at the Post box below

Many thanks


Andante Blue