My name is
Janet. I am 31 years old
I created this webpage for a class called Web Design.
Another part of my life is my cat, J.C.
I am from a small town in Northwest Kansas. It's a small enough
town that you probably know everyone and everyone's business.
I moved to another town in Northwest Kansas in 2000. It's
bigger, but I still like the small town better.
I was taking this class through
CCC (Colby Community College).
In November 2000, I finished taking a course at the Northwest Technical School
in Goodland, KS. I got my license in March of 2001.
However, I am a graduate of
FHSU(Fort Hays State University).
The initials, J.C., stand for Janet's Cat. My mom named her.
J.C. was born July 15, 1998. She came into my life Labor Day Weekend of 1998.
Jeannie, (one of my friends in Hays, KS), gave her to me.
I didn't know if my parents were going to like the fact that I got a cat. With time, they both came
to enjoy her.
J.C. and my mother have their little games that they play.
It is quite humorous to see them play Hide'n'Seek, fold laundry and make the bed.
Of course, the cat really doesn't help that much.
Well, there isn't anything else to say about J.C., except that she is a great cat.
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