PO BOX 928
PARE ESTE, Inc. is a non-profit animal welfare and humane educational organization. Organized in 1993, PARE was incorporated in 1996 under the laws of Puerto Rico. PARE is tax exempt in Puerto Rico and has 501(c)(3) federal tax exemption. PARE's ultimate goal is to build an animal shelter which will be consistent with humane society guidelines and hopefully include a quiet room with educational materials.
The overpopulation of stray dogs and cats on the island of Puerto Rico is presently beyond control. PARE believes that the two most important remedies to this situation are education and sterilization.

Our educational program involves volunteers from our organization who go to public elementary schools and give classes on animal welfare. We presently use bilingual coloring books, which have been purchased from HSUS, AHA and The Fund for Animals. The more children we can reach, the more education is passed on to parents, family, friends and future generations.

PARE also publishes and distributes the Animal Protection Law #67 of Puerto Rico and brochures explaining reasons to sterilize all companion animals and how abuse is passed from adults to both children and animals and others. These brochures are distributed to local communities and made available at local veterinarians' offices and other public places, whenever and wherever possible.

Sterilization of all companion animals is a necessity. Because of attitudes against sterilization (i.e., animals have a right to procreate), people must first be convinced that sterilization is not only necessary, but preferable. Since there is a large low-income population, both financial assistance and education must be given. PARE provides both with the SNAP program. In 1997, 75 cats and dogs were sterilized under this program. In 1998, 99 were sterilized and in 1999, 120 companion animals were sterilized. The total for 2000 was 214.

President: Alfredo Figueroa
Vice President: Sunshine Whiteside
Secretary: Sally Tully-Figueroa
My Furry Kids

Web Designer: Heidi L. Lepak

Dedicated to Animal Rescue
Animal Control Officer

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