I'm Pookie, or, as my human, Ellen calls me "Pooker".  She lives with me in NYC, and I do my darndest to keep her in line...Please check back here from time to time, as we move in and get settled.

In case you're wondering, Ellen goes out to work every day, and I'm a stay-at-home Pomeranian.  I keep things secure while she's out doing whatever it is she really does.  I spend my time at home alone wisely...I surf the internet, work on this page, and I conduct various studies around the apartment--everything from sleep studies (for instance, can I sleep through the guy with the jackhammer outside?) and I do at-home consumer testing...like checking the cabinet doors to make sure my kibble is secure.  If I find it isn't, I eat whatever I can get, just so it doesn't fall into the wrong hands:)  For some reason, though...the Liva Snaps and Milk Bones never, ever seem to fall out of the cabinets.  Hmmm.

We'll be posting some new pictures in a few days, and telling you about our life in The Big Apple
I expect we'll also devote a part of this page to some of *her* interests, just to keep her happy.

Jeez! Humans! With me, just toss me a Liva Snap, let me drink out of the toilet, and I'm happy...but Ellen is into so many things that it's hard to keep tabs on her. Here are some of her interests:

      1. Couponing (Hey, at least she doesn't buy generic kibble!)
      2. Gambling (That's what she does when she ignores me for more than 5 minutes;-)
      3. Size Acceptance (I love my fat & fluffy human...she's oh, so cushyand warm!)

Oh, and one more thing...she's "available", so if you happen to be a yummy "man of substance"  (also known as BHM--that's Big Handsome Man) who adores SSBBW's--and Pomeranians, please write! Be
discreet, though, cause she doesn't know I'm doing this. The thing is, she's a much better pet when she's in love--always tossing me an extra handful of kibble, and when she is indulged in fine dining and romance, my life is better, too!  (and guess who gets the bone;))

Thanks for stopping by...
This is the number of Milk Bones I hope to find next to my bowl ;-) 

By the way...we're getting some help putting this site together from one of Ellen's human friends...She has no pets of her own, but she's okay, so far as humans without pets go...

Visit her site, if you feel like it ;-)