Hello and welcome to my updated site,
it's been a while but I'm back with plenty
of pictures of who else but
I'm a 6 year old fur ball
I stay indoors with the occasional visit outside
I like the occasional bath and long sleep
Someone was surprised when they sat
down for breakfast and opened the Coco Pops.
Bed Mice
Humans would have
you belive that those lumps under the sheets are there feet and hands. They
are actually Bed Mice rumoured to be most tasty of all mice, though no cat has
ever been able to catch one. Rumour also has it that only the most ferocious
attack can stun them long enough to dive under the covers to get them.
This game is played
when there is a newspaper left on the floor for reading. Run down a hallway
at full speed, leap onto the paper and see how far you can slide. This game
is more fun if your human is unaware that you are going to play.