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Raijen, he was born on April 5, 1999 in Arkansas.
is Japanese for Thunder God.
arrived home on May 9, 1999 at 4 weeks of age.
above picture shows Raijen on a feeding break on the ride home
from Arkansas.
had to be feed every two hours during his long ride home, we made
lots of stops to accomidate such a young feline. Bringing home a
young exotic animal carries many responsiblities, at 4 weeks old
he was just beginning to use the restroom on his own and most
time he needed stimulation from his new surrogate momma.
after arriving home Raijen became quite ill and needed the
special attention of a local exotic pet Vet. When he was rushed
to the Vet it was unclear at the time whether he would live
through the first night. He was put on antibiotics and bacterial
replacers. His recovery was a bit slow and had his new family
worried but the he proved to have a zest for life, he is quite
the lil fighter. The good news is Raijen has made a full recovery
and is growing well. A special thanks to Dr. Miller for all his
hard work and kindness shown to Raijen and his new family.
is 8 weeks old now and full of himself. He loves to play with our
other cats and a couple of our dogs. He really enjoys chasing his
human sister around and giving her a hard time, by nipping her
ankles and pulling her hair. Raijen seems to do nothing at a slow
pace, he races and runs every where. For such a young lil guy he
seems to fear nothing and takes on new experiences bright eyes
wide open and frisky lil short tail a twitching.

breeder gave me a whole host of instructions to follow, but I
have to honestly say that nothing takes the place of real life
experience. Raijen is unlike any cat I have ever had, he
extermely active and curious, wants to know about every thing and
everyone. At this time Raijen is learning about collars and
leashes, things are going quite well too. One could say that he
is housebroken, if one considered that he doesn't use the cat
boxes, that I have so graciously plastered my house with but
instead perfers to go outside in the grass, this is good except
during the wee early morning hours.
friend Wolfie, who babysat Raijen his first week home, I had to
work, has taught me alot about wild animals. She is a walking
encyclopia of information. Wolfie noticed that Raijen was not
acting correctly and we rushed him to the vet. Without Wolfies
incite into wild animals Raijen may not be her today. Wolfie has
been a godsend to Raijen and my family.

day starts at about 6:00am. He is kenneled at night, and will
knock against his cage door in the morning when he is hungry.
Raijen is fed and then taken outside for his morning duties.
Raijen then will play with his new buddies in the house. Raijen's
best friend is Yo-Yo, my hybrid bobcat. Those two will play until
Raijen decides it is time for a nap. Raijen gets fed about every
4 hours now, unless he decides he is hungry earlier. If he is, he
will follow me to the kitchen or try to suck on my hand. Raijen
gives pretty good clues as to what he wants, and does not want.
Raijen also likes to play and cuddle with my Labrador Retriever,
Noche. Noche is 80 lbs, and is a gentle giant to Raijen. Raijen
will pounce on his head, crawl on his back, and Noche just lays
there and takes it. I wonder if that will change when Raijen is
25 to 30 lbs. Raijen will go to the front door and either yowl or
jump at the front door when he needs to go outside. This is
really unique for me. He much rather go to the restroom outside
than use his personal litter box. I have learned to plan any
errands around his feedings. He is kenneled if I have to go out,
for his safety. When he is tired he will walk into his kennel and
have learned to try and read his wants and diswants. This is a
little harder for my daughter Brittany. She likes to play with
Raijen, and had allowed him to grab her ankles, now just 3 weeks
along with us, she wishes she had not allowed that. Raijen will
go and tackle her ankles at every possible moment. Brittany can
not sit on the couch with her feet down, or Raijen is right there
playing with her feet. Now she has to try and break him of that
habit. Raijen does not do this with his momma.
enjoy all the pictures of Raijen growing up

. .......................................
the above pictures were taken at the hotel shortly after Raijen
joined my family.
pictures were taken on the ride home--feeding time and excercise.
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