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Hi, Glad you stopped in to Pacific Farm and Pawcific Kennels. We are Kathy & Ken Fish of Camas, Washington, USA along with our daughters Emily, Jenny & Brittany. Our interests are varied but we are home to some beautiful Miniature Horses and lovely Cardigan Welsh Corgis, Papillons, and a Border Collie. We lived in the beautiful country of Australia during 1997 and 1998 so all of our animals have an "Aussie" influence. Ken works for a multi national company which takes him all over the world working with material handling dealers. He isn't involved in the showing and breeding end of our animals, but supports "the girls" in many ways. Kathy has had both horses and dogs since she was 14 years old. It was only natural to have Emily, Jenny, and Brittany follow moms interests. Please take some time and explore our website. You will find Miniature Horses in both Australia and the USA. Our Cardigan Welsh Corgi's and Border Collie all have Australian bloodlines. Papillons are located in both countries. Inquiries are always welcome. Enjoy and please sign our guest book!


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Button Cardigan Welsh Corgi
Button Miniature Horses
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