Welcome To Sam's Birdy Page!

The Brave Budgie as she is known to her friends, was born June 2, 1998. She temporarily lost her upper beak to a very jealous quaker and is putting the finishing touches on her newly regrown beak. She came to us as an egg, presented by her parents, along with five others. Littlefoot died May 30, 1999 in a horrible accident because I didn't clip her wings, thinking she was such a weak flyer.

Petrie is a White Face-Charcoal cockatiel. He came to us from a wonderful lady who raises amazons in Washington. I guess that makes him an honorary amazon! His hatchday is January 21, 1998. He joined the flock in July of 1998. He likes to wolf-whistle and make kissy sounds. When he thinks I am deserving of the privilege, he'll let me skritch th top of his head.

Buddy came to us from a friend that felt she couldn't give him the time and attention that she felt he needed. He was hatched in 1997. He wasn't a tame birdie, but now he is finger tame, he's stepping up reluctantly and no longer biting!

Taz is a Meyers' Parrot. He was hatched in 1997. He came to us from an interesting lady here in Oregon. He likes my husband, but he really hates women! His favorite thing to do is whistle very loudly in the ear of anyone passing by his cage! His two most used phrases are, "What are you doing?" and, "Bird Brain!" My son thinks Taz is his bird, Taz lets him think so.

Cera is an Orange Wing Amazon. She was hatched sometime between 1994 and 1996 and came to live with us Feb 3, 1999. She was rescued from a home that couldn't tolerate her jungle noises. She enjoys tackeling her knotted rope. In typical Amazon fashion, loves her showers.

Jasper is a returning flock member and Littlefoots' big sister. Her hatchday is May 24, 1998. The young lady we had given her to thought she needed to move back home to help us through our grief of losing Littlefoot. Jasper loves to have her neck and cheeks scritched, turning her head upside down to make sure you get just the right spot! She likes to imitate the "come here" whistle that Taz uses. She also makes some sounds I know are words, but aren't clear yet. This budgie is so bonded to me, she tried to make me a daddy. You'll realize how impossible this is when you see my pic farther down on this page.

Keno is a Yellow Nape Amazon, raised by the same breeder as Petrie. His hatchday is August 10, 1999. He came to live with us in February of 2000. He likes to talk and he has a lot to say! He says about 60 words/phrases, among them are the Peter Piper tongue twister! As you can see, he loves the water, too. He is very active, likes to play with (and destroy) his toys very much. He loves his Momma, just ask him!

Ariel is a Solomon Island Eclectus. She hatched 3/1/00 and came to the flock 8/5/00. She is a sweetie. So far she is very sweet to everyone. She, too, likes showers! She eats every type of food I offer her. She likes to snuggle under my chin, but isn't much for scritches. She has learned to immitate Keno when he is calling me back into the room, Aaaack!

That's me -- The featherless one! (And, slave to this odd ball flock.)
E-mail me:SamsBirdy.

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Last updated January 24, 2001