K&K Adoptin Banner


Welcome to K&K Adoption. Due to certain circumstances this site will be temporarily closed. We apologize for this inconvenience but our orders are backed up from the middle of December to now and need desperately to be filled. We are also both competing in The Site Fights which takes up a whole lot of time. When we return we plan to have new creatures for you to adopt along with all the kinks to be worked out of these pages. Thank you for your visit.

Target Return Date: March 1, 2000P> Visit the sites of our artists

See our Proud Parents

Valadonia Banner

Knikki Banner

Any questions?
E-mail us at KNIKKIB7@aol.com or kindel_@hotmail.com

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Adoptable Cyberpets Ring
site owned by Kindel/Knikki.
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