Dog Rescue Groups

English Setter

English Setter Rescue Bloodhound Rescue Sniffy Dogs Bloodhound Rescue
collie Tri-County Collie Rescue of Michigan coonhounds Michigan Coon Hound Rescue
GLBCR Great Lakes Border Collie Rescue, Inc. GSP Rescue German Short Haired Pointer Rescue
Tillies Place
KEESHOND Keeshond Rescue Dane Great Dane Rescue

Busy Borders

Busy Borders, Border Collie Rescue in MI greyhound ReGap Greyhound Rescue
1-800-GO HOUND
Chinese Crested and Small Dogs A New Start on Life Chinese Crested
and Small Dog Rescue
Italian Greyhound Huron Valley
Italian Greyhound Club
GSP German Shorthaired Pointer Rescue of Michigan GSP German Shorthair Pointer Club of America
National Rescue Mi.
Golden Golden Retriever Rescue (Michigan) Rottie Rottweiler Rescue of Michigan


Michigan Samoyed Rescue Sammie Samoyed Assistance Org. of Michigan, Inc.
Shelties Michigan Sheltie Rescue Small Dogs Small Dogs Rescue
Malimute Alaskan Malimute Rescue
Of South East Mich.
westies West Highland White Terrier Rescue
JRT Michigan Jack Russell Rescue Ridgeback Rescue Rhodesian Ridgeback Rescue
GREAT PYR Michigan Great Pyrenees Rescue Wiem Rescue Weimaraner Rescue
C C Weimaraners
greyhound GreyHeart Greyhound Rescue and Adoption of Michigan Newfoundlands Newfoundland Rescue


Dalmation Rescue of MI, IL & IN Schipperke Schipperke Rescue


Animal Placement Bureau Northern Hope Northern Hope All Breed Rescue, Big Rapids
Pug Luv Michigan Pug Rescue Shih Tzu Rescue Shih Tzu Rescue of Michigan


Dog Humane Societies and Animal Shelters

More Links Kalamazoo Animal Rescue's Michigan Shelter and Rescue (Very Comprehensive!) emergency links Emergency Dog Links & Other Good Info.

Mich wolfdog

Michigan Wolf Dog Rescue and Animal Sanctuary HVHS Huron Valley Humane Society
voice of animals Voice Of Animals ~ Newago Adopt a Pet Adopt-A-Pet, Inc. a No Kill shelter in Fenton.


Ingham County Animal Shelter ~ Mason HVHS Huron Valley Humane Society
Wonderland HS Wonderland Humane Society ~ Caddilac Cass County Cass County Animal Shelter ~ Cassopolis

If you find a link that doesen't work or would like to see your rescue group added, please e-mail me with the information. We require that your group advocates a spay/neuter policy.

Hard to believe, isn't it?
Through no fault of their own,
animals like these are abandoned every day.
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just how wanted they are!
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