Dogs, Dogs, Dogs


Well, as you may have guessed, I love dogs! I love to learn all I can about each breed. I have started this page to teach and learn about all breeds of dogs. Every month, I will feature a different breed of dog. I will start a mailing list and we can discuss it monthly. I do welcome all opinions and experiences.


My breed choice for the month is:

The Chinese Crested

Powder puff variety

hairless variety

Varieties: Powder Puff(with hair) and Hairless( has hair on the head, tail, and hocks similar to a draft horse).

Country of origin: China

Type of dog: Toy

Height average: 11 to 13 inches.

Color: Any color or combo.

Temperment: happy, alert, and playful.

Are they good with children? supervised gentle children would be preferred with any toy breed.

What special things do you need to do? This dog needs a wardrobe. They don't have a full coat to protect them from the sun and cold. Sweaters and coats are a must! Sun block will need to be applied. Some breeders recomend shaving the loose and stray hairs that may grow on the body.


Chinese Crested Links:


Links Page

CC Clubs

CC Rings


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Last month's breed.

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Learn about hamsters.



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