A Papillon Named Teddie 


"Hi, my name is Teddie! I'm going to be three next month. I am a  black and white Papillon. I let my mom put her name on the page too because she helps me with all this 'net stuff but really I'm the mastermind behind the whole thing. I just let her think she's doing most of it. Here you'll find some pictures of me and my bud's and some links to some other stuff my mom says is really 'portant. She says something about rescue, of course I'll never know what that is but it's 'portant anyway. I hope you'll enjoy this page and come back soon because I have lots of good stuff to say.

                                        Love, Teddie       

P.S My mom wants me to remind you to sign the guestbook -- whatever that means!


This is me and my mom, she took this picture all by herself, kinda neat huh? I think she's pretty ok. I like to sit on her lap while she plays with this computer thingie.





"Mom made me wear this!!"


Teddieandthekitty.jpg (68265 bytes)

"Check out my pet cat, I like him ok, his ears are tasty"


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"Boody is the westie on the left and Winnie is the one on the right. I like them too"



   Go to the Rescue Page


                                            You can email my mom at: stacyclark20@hotmail.com


"She would like you to especially read "His Name Is Sam" and she says, be prepared to cry."


Read "His Name Is Sam" Here

I also have a second page: Visit it too!

My Next Page

I would love it if you would sign our guest book below!



This Papillon Web Ring site owned by Stacy Clark.

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justahead.jpg (53839 bytes) This Teddie Site Last Updated 2/14/00


P.S. If you're all the way down here and you remember a show called "Hunter" from the 80's you might like to read some of my mom's fanfiction. She really has a thing for that show. I watch it with her all the time. Click Here to get there.