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Me, Stormy, standing beside my most favourite tree. Come in and see our web page!

"Our perfect companions never have fewer than four feet" (or two legs and feathers!)

Hi, my name is Stormy and I am a Tennesse Walking horse. My friends and I made this page all by ourselves. Our humans don't know we made this, so that's why it'll be our little secret. Don't tell them okay? We might get in trouble for going in the house. I really hope you will stay and have a look around, we put a lot of hard work into this page; if you like animals, and I can't imagine that you don't, we really think you'll find it entertaining!
How the heck, you may be asking yourself, did a horse make a web page? Well first of all, I'm a very talented mare (if I do say so myself) and I also had plenty of help from my friends Sadie and Taz the dogs, Hunter the cat, Barney and Bill the Percheron draft horses, and of course, the 42 chickens and two ducks. It still proved a difficult task however. But here is how it went: Sadie would tell us when our owners left the house. Being the escape artist that I am, I would open the gate and me, Barney and Bill and the chickens would file out of the pasture and head for the house a short distance away. When we got there, I opened the front door at the house (I'm talented with latches). Taz and Sadie would meet us there and we would all go in, where we met up with Hunter.
I found climbing the stairs a bit hard to get used to because I'm so big, but I managed okay. Bill and Barney, who are draft horses and weigh a ton each have even more trouble than me getting around the corner in the stairwell to go upstairs but we all helped push them.
When we got into the computer room, Hunter the cat came in. As you know, horses have big hooves and it would be quite impossible to type with them, not to mention what it would have done to the keyboard! So Hunter was our typer; his paws are just the right size for pressing keys. And we were all impressed with his speed of 7 words a minute, which you'll have to admit is pretty good for a cat! We then sneak out before our owners get back and they never suspect anything. Sometimes we bounce on the beds and stuff, but we always clean up after ourselves and try not to break anything. So please, have a look around and enjoy your stay as much as we enjoy making our homepage!

Bill and Barney

Everyone likes to see pictures right? Take a look at these if you would like to see pictures of everyone and learn a little more about us.

[Stormy] [Barney and Bill] [Owners] [Chickens] [Dogs and cat] [Where we live]

Now, read some fine equine and feline quotations taken from English literature, etc., and experience the writing talents of a horse and a cat!

Animal Quotes Animal Stories
Horse Quotes Morning Bliss
Cat QuotesWake Up!

There have been many beautiful stories and poems written about animals. We'd like to share with you some of our favourites. We hope you find them as touching as we do.

Animal Poems
An Arab's Farewell to his Steed The Little Cat Angel
No Finer Things than DogsThe Ponies
Milk for the CatHorses on the Camargue
The Little Black DogLast Words to a Dumb Friend
On a Cat AgeingHope you enjoyed them!

Visit our Memorial Page for Sultan, my good friend and a truly wonderful horse.

Web rings are a fun easy way to surf the net. Here are the rings we are part of.

I made my own webring! Join if you meet the requirements! Pets Who Know HTML Webring.

Here is our little collection of awards so far. Yay, awards!

Some favourite links we put together...check them out!! (when you're done here of course!)

Click here to see some fellow animals who visit us through the internet. Send your pictures!

Bill discovers he's too big to use the computer as chicken watches.

See some more of my very own cartoons.

E-mail is one of life's little pleasures. So, please send us some!

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Take at a peek at what others have written....

*Note* Please don't use any of the graphics without asking. If you'd like to use one please e-mail us!

This page is dedicated to the memory of the dear foor footed friends we've lost over the last couple of years. Luke, Sulty, little Woo, Star, Taz, we'll always remember and love you.

The Rail

Family-Friendly Site

My favourite number is

because that's how many visitors I've had since August 1996!

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Stormy Barney and Bill Chickens Nature My people Taz and Hunter