It's WINTER In Paisleyland
The Paisley Gang Welcomes You

Where the sun always shines and the sky is always blue
And the Dals always shed - especially in the Spring!
What's a Paisley Dalmatian?
Paisley is our kennel name, used to identify Dals of our breeding.
Think of it as a trademark.

The Augie/Erin litter at 6 weeks

Pictured from left to right Ch. Paisley Pick Me Please "Isabel", Ch. Paisley Politics As Usual "Wendel", Ch/MACH. Paisleys Return Engagement UDX "Fame" (Mullin), and in front Ch. M & M's Sargeant of the Guard CD/NA/NAJ "Sargeant" (Mett), all champions before the age of two. By Ch. Tuckaway Augusta ex Am/Can Ch. Acorn Erin At Paisley "Erin"

We've been breeding, showing & enjoying Dalmatians for over 40 years, and we're proud to show you some of our dogs. You'll meet promising youngsters, current winners, top producers and performance dogs, as well as famous dogs in our past. We've also included pedigrees, useful articles, links to dogs, other breeders, clubs and general information.

NOTE: After several years of neglect, this website is being updated. If things aren't working, or if information is missing, please check back in a few days (or weeks, or . . .). For links that don't work, feel free to notify me at the address below. I created this site in 1999, and do my html coding entirely by hand, so everything takes awhile! Despite my good intentions, the update is not moving along very quickly.

I DO keep my Blog up to date, and post pictures regularly, so why not pay me a visit at

"Gone To The Dogs" or "Something's Fishy"


Click on the door to enter & look around. Puppy information!
Click here to enter

A Best In Show For Argus
Our handsome brownie boy picks up two Group Ones & A Best In Show

Argus goes Best Of Breed at the National!
Mr. Edd Bivin awarded Argus BoB over an entry of 366 Dalmatians,
including all the top winners. What a thrill!

Dal pups are incredibly cute. Show Potential Puppies both blacks & livers, occasionally available to qualified homes.
Performance Puppies are carefully evaluated for soundness, willingness and attitude.
Pet/Companion Puppies with wonderful dispositions, always sold on spay/neuter contracts.
All Puppies properly raised, fully socialized, honestly evaluated, & carefully placed. Sold with a comprehensive contract as well as a "Lifetime Service Contract" - we're here to help and to answer your questions.
All Sires & Dams OFA and CERF checked, and BAER bilateral. All pups BAER tested and vet checked.

Rescue Information
SOS - Save Our Spots Dal Savers
Illinois Dal Rescue Pet Finders

What's the Barf Diet and why is everyone talking about it?
Bones And Raw Food OR Biologically Appropriate Raw Food
A NATURAL & HEALTHY way to feed dogs

We have been feeding a raw natural diet for almost 8 years.
Here's Why our dogs no longer eat commercial dog food

New Pictures and Pages

    An updated page for Argus Am/Can Ch. Paisley NspirD By Broadway (L)
    An updated page for Josie Ch. Hapi-Dal Paisleys Preference (L)
    An updated page for the late Morris Ch. Paisleys Pointblank CD/CGC (L) 4/12/92-01/05/07
    SOON - Webpages for all the missing dogs!.

What's New In Paisleyland?

Coming Soon!

For The Record

    Over 150 Am. Chs, many with obedience titles, 112 homebreds, 58 liver-spotted Chs.
    15 Group winners, Am, Can, and S.A. Best In Show winners.
    Specialty Bests of Breed, DCA Best of Breed, and numerous Award Of Merit winners.
    Eight of our males have produced between 10 to 60 champions.
    Twelve of our bitches have produced from 5 to 15 champions.
    The #1 Group & Best In Show liver male in breed history.
    Many advanced performance titles including OTCH, MACH, UDX, UDTX, and RD (Road Dog).
    Fire Safety Education dogs, Certified Therapy Dogs, and drug detection dogs.
Our Dals appear in pedigrees of winners & producers from coast to coast

This Site Has Many Pages
These links will help you find your way around

*Visit the Dogs - Index of Over 70 Dogs & Pedigrees
*Information Links Dal, Dog, Health, Dog Food, Clubs, Fun Stuff
*Planned Litters *Available Older Dogs
*Paisley's Top Producers *Paisley's Obedience/Performance Dogs
*Famous Dalmatians of the Past Links or Pages
* The Kennel Tour Visit Dalmatian Breeders From Around the World
*The Ultimate Dalmatian Book Order It Here!
*Colors and Coats Brindle, Tri, Lemon, Blue, Longhair too!
*Understanding Black & Liver - Basic Color Inheritance
*Just For Liver Lovers *The Patch Page

Wendel and Marla

Sue MacMillan and Ron Rajala
2107 James Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105-1317

Member: Dalmatian Club of America, Chicagoland Dalmatian Club, Greater Twin Cities Dalmatian Club, Land O'Lakes Kennel Club

© 1999-2009

Email to SueMac at
NOTE -Remove the spaces and add an "@"
It helps me keep the spam down.

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