My Rabbits

I am proudly "owned" by 4 rabbits (2 loving pairs):

Pookah (angora) and Tweetie (R.I.P. July 18, 1998, her Pookie will miss her) (Fuzzy lop)

and Pookie's new friend Fred:

and Iris and Ziggy (they RULE!)
Iris (left) is 12 yrs old now (2000) and Ziggy is 10 rs old!

Ziggy  has decided he likes Dickens the dog's bed. Sometimes Ziggy
even lets Dickens share with him....

and sometimes Ziggy wants to be king of the castle.....


Ziggy meets Beatrix, the hedgehog (R.I.P. June 5, 1998)

go to foal.html for pictures of my horses....

Kate McGinley,

GO to the Houserabbit Society
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