Born September 12, 2001
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Keeshonden & Rottweilers
Home of "TAZ" #1 Rottweiler 1999
KeeRocka's I'll Entertain You
out of Am/Can Ch KeeRocka's Entertainer, A/C CD, BH (Future BIS/BISS winner??)
X Ch Lehr's Marquis V Topaz, PT, JHD
Born 3/1/02
For sale to show and or working home. Outstanding balance, topline, movement and unshakable yet biddable temperament. Video available. Show training started- she's a natural like her aunt Scarlett (Select Ch KeeRocka's Gone with the Wind, HT, HTD1, Group Winner)

Julie Miller 712-288-5355
~~~We are happy to announce that Elvis is now owned by Stuart and Sue Larsen. Elvis will be pursuing his CDX and will be specialed next year by Jeff and Melissa Brucker. All inquiries may be directed to Jeff and Melissa at 352-347-4628. We know that the Larsens, Bruckers and Elvis will be a winning combination!). ~~~
Ch Cammcastle's Quantum Leapyear wins WB and Award of Merit at the 2001 Medallion Rottweiler Specialty. Launa is a multiple Best of Breed winner who was bred by Suzan Cain-Otto (owner),out of Ch Cammcastle's Hazmat V Ironwood and is EXPERTLY handled by Michelle Starry.
Minka, a Taz X Cassie daughter (18 mos) has been shown 5 times in 2002 and is undefeated in the classes receiving 10 points and 2 majors. She is bred and owned by Mark Fretz of L.A. and is handled by Carol Grossman. WOW!
Lizzie (Select Ch Lehr's Liz Lame' V Topaz) WINS BEST OF BREED AT WESTMINSTER. She is the first bitch in history to accomplish this feat! She is out of Taz and Cassie...the first breeding (a full sister to our Marquis).
Select Ch KeeRocka's Gone with the Wind (Scarlett) was one of four (all bitches) to receive the coveted Award of Merit.
Elvis is now a Can Ch and CD with a High in Trial (195 1/2).
Congratulations to the following Taz kids for their recent wins:
Ch KeeRocka's Gunner Von Topaz for finishing his Championship in style under breeder/judge Pete
Radamacher Owners Larry Gebhardt and Dana Gebhardt
Ch Cammcastle's Quantum Leapyear for her championship, Best in Sweeps at the ARC Regional
Breeder Julie Percudanni and her Kazzi kids: GP'S Backstreet Boy- 2 Best in Sweeps and 2 MAJORS including Best of Breed at the Philadelphia CRC Supported Entry show at 9 months of age Owned by Debbie Cabe (handler) and Julie Percudanni
AND GP's Brown Eyed Girl- 2 Best Opposite in Sweeps to her brother at the Philadelphia CRC Supported entry show- Owned by Julie Percudanni and handled by Julie Miller
Theresa & David Kilts on their Canadian Championship and AD on Cammcastle's Pizzazz Von Riddle
Sylvie Fafard and Can Ch Cammcastle's Payup Von Riddle and their Canadian Best Opposite in Specialty show
This site was created by
Kathleen LaDue

Signature Belgian Sheepdogs