The Adventures of Verbier
(kennel-bound once again...)
Hi everyone! My name is Verbier Napoleon Goddard and this is my diary. To see last month's
adventures, click here. If you want to talk to me, my Mom, or Dad,
just email us at While you are
here, check out my recommendations for dog training books, cool
puppy toys, and dog related web sites.
March 2000 Diary
March 24, 2000
Whoa. Time sure does fly by. Our neighbors have a new dog. His name is Oscar and he's shaped like a hot dog. Get it? True story. I've learned a really cool trick this week. I can jump on the kitchen counter top and walk around on top....a bird's eye view. Mom and Dad were not impressed. Mom has been keeping a close eye on me.
Mom and Dad are going to go visit my Grandma Rosa in Michigan this weekend. I can't go. Mom is worried that Grandma Rosa might try to give me away or something. Anyway, we're trying something new this weekend. Instead of Kennelwood, Mom and Dad are sending me to the vet's office for camp. Hmmm. Sounds kind of fishy to me.
March 14, 2000
I'm finally back from Camp. Two weeks of playschool and yappy hour. Ahhh. That was the life. It ended abuptly yesterday and now I'm back in the real world. Got a bath and my haircut before Mom came to pick me up. The groomer said I did much better when it came time to work on my feet. Mom was not impressed. She said it all because of the tranquilizer my vet gave me just for grooming. It made me terribly sleepy all day. Now, I'm back to my old much energy and so many things to get into. Isn't life grand?
Mom and Dad came back safe and sound from their ski trip to Canada. Mom's working on her journal, but pictures apparently were a problem because it was cloudy the whole time they were there. Pictures come back on Friday so hopefully, Mom will have her journal up next week. Dad has been working terribly hard ever since they got back. I really haven't seen much of him. He's on a rotation called "interventional". It's a major bummer. By the time he comes home, I'm already in bed. The only person I can bug all day is Mom. <sniff>
Well, I've got things to do. Our neighbors have a new puppy that I need to go and irritate.
February 2000 Diary
February 21, 2000
What a tough month it has been. Phil, my trainer from Kennelwood, had Mom get a pinchy collar to train me. Not fun, but I sure do listen to her when I've got it on. Luckily, Mom is a softy. Phil told Mom to keep the pinchy on me all the time, but Mom thinks I need some freedom (ha ha...sucker) so sometimes she lets me roam the house without it on (until I find something fun to play with, get in trouble, and then end up banished to the kitchen). Anyway, we've been working pretty hard this month. Mom thinks I have a "remarkable" heel & down (when my pinchy is on). We practice several times a day and I get lots of dried liver treats...although Mom and Dad are thinking about changing my treats because they say the liver treats make me emit unpleasant gas. Personally, I don't think it's so bad.
So, I'm off to my next adventure on Friday. Mom and Dad are headed to Canada for another ski trip ('cause Dad has had a terribly busy month at work) and I'm headed back to Camp Kennelwood....sans Phil. Mom and Dad have decided to let me go to Camp instead of putting me in school for another couple of weeks. Whew. I love going to Camp. It's full of playtimes and yappy hours. Ahhh. That's the life.
February 3, 2000
Life is slowly getting back to normal. I've had a cold ever since I came back home from camp....coughing, wheezing. The vet says it's not a big deal since I'm still pretty much acting like my old self - except for the fact that I get tired a lot. I'm feeling much better today. Mom even let me go outside to play in the snow for a little bit. Of course, I had to come right back inside after just a little bit of play time for my nap. Mom has been working me pretty hard. I don't really mind too much because my personal trainer at camp told her to stuff me with treats and praise whenever we work. I guess life's really not that bad.
February 1, 2000
I am exhausted. Life at boot camp was hard. Mom called Phil my personal trainer, but really Phil was nothing but a drill sargent. Verbi sit. Verbi down. Verbi heel. Give me a break. I'm trying to be extra sweet so Mom and Dad don't think about sending me back there. Camp is supposed to be fun. This was a ton of work. And the worst part? Phil taught Mom on how to "train" me. Ugh. I hope she gives up soon.
January 31, 2000
Back from boot camp. Whew. Man, is it good to be home! It's not easy being me. I need a nap.Mom wanted to post her travel journal on my site. I graciously agreed (maybe they won't send me back to boot camp). So click here for a link to Mom and Dad's travel adventures to France.
January 14, 2000
January 10, 2000
Whoa. Can you believe it's been so long since I've put my paws to the keyboard? So much has gone on that I don't know where to start. Christmas came and went and NO, I didn't get the digital camera I put on my wish list. Santa, you really bummed me out. Hence, no new pictures. But, I did get some cool toys. A new Kong, a big pink elephant, a nice new giraffe, treats, and a not-so-macho stick (that kind of grossed Mom out when she found out what it was).
Mom, Dad & I have settled into a pretty comfortable pattern. I keep Mom company during the day and pester my Dad when he comes home from work at night. I'm thinking the year 2000 is going to be a pretty good year for me. Afterall, I'm not a baby anymore. 10.6 lbs. Got weighed in at the vet today AND I got all my shots so I can go to boarding school on saturday. Yep. You read right. Mom and Dad are sending me to boarding school....complete with personal trainer. Mom thinks a personal trainer will help my "issues". Hmmm. We shall see. Can I help it if I NEED to put everything in my mouth? It really is a shame that Mom doesn't buy the "teething" excuse anymore. (Dad, however, has never been fooled. I think he's been on to me and my tricks this whole time).
Anyway, I'll be off to school for 2 weeks while Mom and Dad schuss down the slopes of the French Alps. If I manage to fanagle a digital camera out of my Mom and Dad maybe I'll be able to post some new pictures soon. I'll try to be more prompt about my posts this year. That's a new year's resolution you know.
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