Glad you could join us. Bluebear is a 26 year old female and Birdie is her 49 year old mother. We both enjoy camping, walking and making crafts. Bluebear loves writing stories and hanging out with friends while Birdie likes to paint watercolors, make stained glass suncatchers and enjoys fishing. We both love animals. Birdie's pets consist of a turtle named Venus Dragon and one called Luna Dragon, and 2 of the smartest, sweetest toy poodles, Willie and Lady. Also a guina pig named Honey. Recently moved in with Birdie is a cat, Trouble who has 7 toes on each front foot and 5 on each back foot. Bluebear has a cat named Kitty and 2 guina pigs.
We have been adding to our site since Jan.1999 and hope that you will enjoy the many pages we have made, from Bluebear's poetry to other nice pages as well as a bit of information about Nova Scotia, Canada. We have included many nice pictures of our province which we hope you will enjoy. Many of the smaller pictures can be seen better if you click on them. And please feel free to sign our guestbook or e-mail us. We love to hear all your comments, good or bad.
Bluebear now has some of her poems and shortstories published in a book, Shadows of the Soul, containing 41 pages and several color pictures. The books are home published and anyone wishing a copy can purchase one straight from her by e-mailing her.
This one was donated to the local hospital in memory of Bluebear's father, Birdie's husband
The first picture is of a local lobster boat. The second is a quiet, peaceful rock beach.
Nova Scotia-Canada's Ocean Playground
Nova Scotia, being almost entirely surrounded by water, offers many scenic shoreline and beach views. Here you will find the Bay of Fundy with the highest tides in the world and Halifax Harbour, the second largest natural harbour in the world. The Bluenose, known of as the fastest sailing ship for 20 years, was built here by our excellent craftsmen. There are also many lakes, rivers and natural parklands to be found here. Nova Scotia hosts many different peoples and we are known as the most friendly people in Canada next to those of Newfoundland.We have beaches, forests and rivers full of beautiful scenery
These are some pictures taken from different places in Nova Scotia.