<BGSOUND SRC="/gizmo_1998_1998/cool.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
   Hello!! This web page is dedicated to rabbits. Even more so to American Fuzzy Lops and English Angoras. Well I suppose we haven't been properly introduced. Hi my name is Cassi Swanson. My main breeds are Fuzzy Lops and Angoras.

    I have been raising rabbits since 1995. I started out with a rabbit, and as most breeders know, I didn't stick with  only one. Right now I have around 60 rabbits. We are currently working on revamping our herd and line. We have purchased some nationally competitive animals in hopes of getting some nice babies.
    Beside BackYard Rabbit Burrows, I co-own a rabbitry with Joyce Holliday called Fuzzy Syndicate. Together we have purchased some amazing Fuzzy Lops and are working on getting some awesome bunnies.

    For those of you who are just starting rabbits I highly suggest either breed. These rabbits have personality up the caboot. But please keep in mind Angoras are A LOT of work.
Swanson's Mathilda
22 Legs, Registered and Granded
BOS 2001 Fuzzy Lop Nationals
BIS 6/23/01
A well loved and greatly missed bunny.
Links to the Rest Of My Page

Hey I would like to hear from you!! E-mail me with questions, ideas on how to make my page better or an up to the minute list of what I have for sale.
Click on the Mail Box.