MY DOG/PUPPY PAGES These pages are about our Newfoundland/Kuvasz girl Kira our Golden Retriever Cam and their first litter.
After Kira and Cam had fun at the 14 th of August 98 Kira got pregnant. Her pregnancy was normal and she had no problems at all. On Sunday the 18. of Oct we had a false alarm. Her temperature dropped (36.6), she refused to eat and stated panting heavily. We got ready and I spent the night in front of the whelping box but nothing happened. Monday morning she acted normal and relaxed and we calmed down also. At 14:00 PM we saw water all over the living room floor and realized that Kira's amniotic sac broke and she lost the water. We took her to the whelping box right away and waited again. This time only 30 minutes until she gave birth to her first puppy "Malkia" at 14:30 PM. 15 minutes later puppy #2 "Zeke" was born and puppy #3 "Lucky" came at 15:37. With the first two puppies I had to cut the umbilical cord because Kira was so big that she just wasn't be able to turn around to the back to take care about it herself. Lucky was the first lucky one she could take care about everything on her own. I had a box ready with a warm water bottle and red light to keep the puppies warm and try while she was giving birth to the others. In between the contractions I put the pups back with Kira to let them drink. After Lucky was born, Kira decided to take a "brake" for almost 8 hours. We took her outside to walk her a little bit and to relive herself. At 23:11 am she had a still born and at 23:13 "Goliath" was born. After another 3 hours brake she had another still born at 2:35 PM and at 2:38 she gave birth to "Cerano". After that the rest of the pups came pretty close after each other. At 3:14 PM "Klaus", 4:10 PM "Tchedo", and at 4:50 PM "Goldie" were born. After Goldie was born Kira was obviously done and relaxed and we started checking out the 8 puppies again, weight and measured them and put the identification collars on each puppy accept Lucky, because he was the only brindel one and easy to tell apart from the others. After the puppies were all taken care off and silent asleep we took Kira outside so she could relive herself, gave her a bath, cleaned the whelping box and fed her some chicken broth with rice and egg and left Mom and kids alone to get some rest. When we came back to check on them around 13:10 am we were wondering that one of the puppies was completely wet and lost already his collar. After looking closer we realized that she had another puppy, after 8 hours, another brindel one named "Rokia". (I called her Delay). After she surprised us like this we kept counting the puppies every hour..........but we stayed with nine at the end. This was all very exciting for us and a wonderful enrichment in our life. I took a lot of pictures while the puppies were with us to keep some of those wonderful moments as a visible memory for us, for our family and friends, the new families of the puppies and all animals lover on the Web I hope you'll like these pages. and I hope also, that the new families of Kira's pups will stay in touch with me and support me with pictures while the pups are still growing, as adult dogs and when they get older so I will be able to keep adding pictures to the existing pages like I'm doing with Lucky, the puppy we've kept.
Enjoy the following pages .........
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The Kuvasz History and Description of the Kuvasz
The Newfoundland / Newfie
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