Hackensack Hospital School of Nursing

Class of 1967





Welcome to the unofficial web site for Hackensack Hospital School of Nursing Alumni!

These pages will be constantly updated and expanded as new information comes in.  Please feel free to email us for questions,  contact info for alumni, and submitting information.

Reunion Alert!

Ruth Spellmeyer-Thacker, with the help of several others, is spearheading a 40th Reunion Celebration to be held on or about Oct 5 & 6, 2007 in northern New Jersey.  All details are in the works and it would be great to get as many people together as possible.  We’ll have a chance to catch-up on forty years of goings on, maybe a return visit to the scene of the crime, wrinkle contests, and some good gossip time.  Come to what will be the best pajama party in forty years!

For more info, contact Simone van Egeren

To contact us:

Phone: 858-549-6788 (in California)

E-mail: Simone van Egeren

1940s postcard of Nursing School and Hospital

Text Box: You can't turn back the clock.  
But you can wind it up again.  
~Bonnie Prudden