Rhodesian Ridgeback puppies  breeders of champion show dogs
"African Lion Hounds"

starsani.gif (2753 bytes)BREED HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION

This breed was recognized as a distinct breed in Rhodesia, now Zimbabwee , about the middle of the 18th Century. The Rhodesian Ridgeback Club was founded in Africa, by mainly British Colonials, around 1924. The purpose of the breed was to protect wagon trails, farms and families from interlopers both human and animals such as antelope, sable, springbok and the big cats of Africa including the Lion. The other name for the dog is the Lion Hound.These main usages stem from the movement of the Boer people called Voortrekkera, who travelledin wagon trains using 20 span of oxen to pull wagons much like our prairie Schooners.  When the Wagons would round up for the night the dogs would go on guard to protect the train from the big cats, hyena and wild dogs.

From J.N. Murray's "The Rhodesian Ridgeback"....."In Pretoria, South Africa, the Voortrekker Monument and Musem depicting the Great Trek, has 3 or 4 representation of dogs which appear to be about the size and color of a Ridgeback.  Actual ridges can only be descerned on one of the dogs in the tapestry..........The breed is a dog of formidable power, dedication and courage.  He is still used as the protector of game wardens and hunters throughout central Africa today."

From the breed standard......The distinctive characteristic of the breed is the ridge on the back which is formed by the hair growing in the opposite direction to the rest of the coat.  The ridge must be clearly defined, tapering and symmetrical.  It should start immediately behind the shoulders and continue to a point between the prominence of the hips and should contain two identical crowns opposite each other.  The lower edges of the crowns should not extend further down the ridge than one third of the ridge.

   rhodesian ridgeback puppies of Kijiji Rhodesian Ridgebacks

starsani.gif (2753 bytes)PUPPIES

If you will be purcashing a puppy from us, please plan on visiting us before you buy a puppy.  Call and let me know when you can come with your family.  It is important that all the people who will be living with the puppy meet them before the puppy goes to its new home.

We will also need a reference from your veterinarian, either a letter or a phone number we can call.

We also ask that you plan to take your new puppy to Puppy Kindergarten, when it is 3 months old after its Rabies Shot and at least Beginners Obedience, within its first year.

This puppy will grow to 26 inches and 70lbs by 7 or 8 months of age.  The easiest way for it to remain a welcome member of your family is for you and the dog to learn, together, what is acceptable behavior for a dog.

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starsani.gif (2753 bytes)BREED LINKS

           AKC Rhodesian Ridgeback Page

            US Rhodesian Ridgeback Club

Rhodesian Ridgeback Rescue

This Rhodesian Ridgeback WebRing site is owned by Maureen and Fred Mohr

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Owner/Breeder Handled
AKC & OFA Registered

Maureen and Fred Mohr
P.O. Box 7
Plumsteadville, PA  18949  USA
(215) 766-7844

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