(Netword: Serebyani)

Mini & Angel Angelina Count

The first thing that you notice about the Russian Blue is it’s coat. A magnificent ocean of even blue, with each hair tipped in liquid silver, and a feel of pure silken magnificence. And then... it happens. He looks at you with those emeralds of his... and smiles at you, and you’re gone. Completely lost in the sheer radiance of his presence, you can’t help but stare. If you are ever lucky enough to be owned by a Blue, you know the joy of his unconditional love. They cannot stand to be even a few feet away from you at any time. Very perceptive to your mood, they know when and when not to seek your touch, and patiently wait for the right time. Blues are of medium build, well muscled, and svelte. With a coat of silver-tipped blue and eyes of emerald green, the Blue has an air of elegance all its own. Only he knows the reason for his smile, and he’s not about to let us in on his little secret. Once you let a Russian Blue into your life, you are changed forever. It’s not just another cat. They find a way into your heart, and set up permanent shop. They instantly become a permanent member of your immediate family.

We started with our first Russian Blue in 1990. We fell in love with Tiko and with the breed. A year later we were crushed when we lost him to Feline Leukemia. We looked at other cat breeds and household pets but found that none had the personality that we had found in our Russian. In 1993 we got our second Russian and were very pleased to find that Nicaio had the same wonderful personality that we think is unique to the Russian Blue. Since that time we have added four (4) other Russian Blues to our family and we have never regretted it. They love to play (all of our cats fetch) and they love to be at your side, or in your arms, on your lap, on your shoulders, etc... at all times. (Our bed is very crowded!!) We acquired our first breeder in 1997. CH Bluezars Angelina of Serebyani was shown as a kitten and as an adult that same year. She was 3rd Best Russian Blue Kitten and also 3rd Best Russian Blue Cat in the South Eastern Region.

We have stoped breeding at this time because we have a new Baby in our family and well be focusing all of our attentions in that direction. If you are looking for a Russian Blue, be very careful, there are established breeders out there selling cats with diseases, selling cats that are more Siamese than Russian Blue, and doing other dishonest things just to make a buck. Don't be fooled these people are not in this for the breed , they are in it because it gives them an income, or because it provides them with a little "rush" when they win a ribbon, not all breeders are this way, and the ones who aren't will applaud me for standing up, the ones who complain, well like the old saying goes, "the guilty dog barks the loudest". I highly recomend that any looking to buy a Russian Blue, goes to the breeders home, meets the cats, get refferences, and gets their vets name and follows up on all these avenues of information. We do recomend Bluezars in VA. Ed & Margarethe Luce can be reached via phone at (804)239-5315. Bluezars produces wonderful cats, and we are very comfortable with recomending them.

Serebyani's Jasper

Please go to our Photo Album for more pictures of our Russian Blues from Serebyani and Bluezars.

In the past two years, we have worked closely with Bluezars in Lynchburg, VA to develope a Russian White program in the United States. The Russian White (or White Russian Blue), is a Russian Blue that carries a dominate/masking gene for a white coat. This cat is identical to the standard (Blue) Rusisan Blue except for coat color. The coat is a uniform sparkling white. The Russian White began in Australia in the early 1970's when Mavis Jones was given the ok to use a White Shorthaired Domestic cat from Siberia to breed with her Russian Blues. Mavis had done alot of reasearch and was told by many people that the White cat from Siberia was the only cat that could crossed with the Russian Blue and stil remain true. The Whites were accepted after a long and highly moderated program that involed the Animal Genetics Dept at the University of Sydney, Austrilia. The White Russian Blues in the US are the offspring of an elevnth generation dam who was imported by Ed & Maragarethe Luce of Bluezars. We are currently raising up the second US generation of White Russian Blues. We will pick the best cat from this Generation and start breeding for the third generation soon. If you are interested in more information on this beautiful, but often misunderstood color variation of the Russian Blue - please contact Bluezars or call them at (804) 239-5315.

Larry & Deborah Slagle
Serebyani Russians
Russian White in above picture bred & owned by Ed & Margarthe Luce.

Links to other sites on the Web.
NARWA Application The International Cat Association
Russian Whites RussianBlue.Org
BluMajik Cattery Bluezars Cattery
History of the Russian White History of the Russian Blue

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