Visit Our Kenneling Services
shelties owned and loved by
Maureen & Michael Lynch
Smiths Falls, Ontario, Canada
15 mins south of Carleton Place; 15 mins west Richmond

(613) 283-7393

All photos were taken by Shelamo, unless otherwise credited; are the sole property of Shelamo Kennels and may not be used without prior permission.  Many of the photos have been taken with the assistance of our good friend Mary Anne Yolkowskie.
News & Updates
About Us & Links
Our Girls
Our Boys
The Other Rings
Health & Tips
Rainbow Bridge
We are members in good standing with the
Canadian Kennel Club
Ottawa Kennel Club
Canadian Shetland Sheepdog Association
Bytown Dog Obedience Club
obedience taught through the
City Of Ottawa since 1994
West End - RonKolbus Lakeside Gardens
Pictured @ 5mths old, all from our Ch Shelamo Sugar Shack litter, we present to you our next 4 hopeful Champions.  "Bliss", 2nd from the left now sports a 5pt win, going BOB over specials @ 6mnths of age!
Sheltie Rescue
All us dog lovers need to help battle the Supreme Court Breed Specific Legislation - visit this Thank You video in appreciation for the January emergency financial request & continued donations to this worthy cause .... created by Banned Aid Coalition.
It will put a smile on your face!