Australian Shepherds
We are a small kennel in Texas (formerly in Louisiana). Our kennel logo reads
"temperament, structure, biddability & versatility" and that is our motto and
what we at Quest strive for
nothing but the best in an Australian Shepherd. As
breeders dedicated to Aussies and interested in only breeding the best, we breed once a
year or less so that all of our puppies can be born and raised in the house. We handle the
pups from day one and all are started in crates and leash trained before they leave us. We
socialize them continuously for as long as they are with us. We encourage anyone
interested in our dogs to check with folks who have acquired puppies or adult dogs from us
in the past. All puppies are sold on contracts, and all parents are health screened.

Quest Crescent City
(CH Marquis Surenuf For Rockin'K - "Neal" X Rockin'K Gonna
Be A Charmer "Charm")
We hope you enjoy your visit with us! Thanks for

To visit the pages of our site please either click on the
thumbnail pictures below or use the dropdown index provided closer to the bottom of the
Our 2005 puppies
Quest Crescent City Classic
The female canine
"residents" at Quest
Our "millenium" Charm puppies
The male canine
"residents" at Quest
Our Rainbow
Bridge tribute to our girl Party
"pups" & their new families
Our favorite links
Our favorite webrings

Please come back soon and visit us!
since 15-12-99