Welcome to
Dog in Thailand Webring

This webring is open to all Thais' page and sites except those that charge a fee for inclusion (commercial sites). Please feel free to display your show dog or family pet here regardless of affiliation or personal stardards.

1. go to Submit New Site
2. enter site info
3. print out the page with your site code and password
4. come back to this page
5. select a style of code
6. cut and paste into your page
7. change all instances of SITE_ID_HERE to the site number you were given at registration
8. change the email address and name in the code to your name and email address
9. save the file and upload back to your server
10. when this is complete, I will add the page to the ring
11. If you have problems with the code, Email me

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This Dog in Thailand Webring site is owned by
Sam R. Suwannapan

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