Ch. Dawnwind's Fiddle Dee Dee
Breeder & Owner: Lucy Reynolds (my partner), Pittsburgh, PA

Our Silky Terrier, Ch. Dawnwind's Fiddle Dee Dee, has given us many a thrill! His accomplishments include WD, BOW, Award of Merit, National Specialty 1990, Award of Merit National Specialty 1993, BOS C.O.A.S.T. Specialty 1993, Multiple Group Winner and Placer at All-Breed Shows, two group wins 1995 and Top 10 for three years. Now, we look to his kids and grandkids for the excitement and the future.

We are members of the Silky Terrier Club of America and founding members of the Chesapeake Silky Terrier Club of which we are active members, and have served on the board of directors. We are also 20-year-plus members of the Salisbury, MD Kennel Club of which we were Trophy Chairman for several years.

If you would like to learn more about Silky Terriers, or would be interested in purchasing a puppy or an adult (occasionally) Silky, please contact:

Mrs. Marie Hammond
10510 Hotel Road
Bishopville, MD 21813-1242
email8.gif (12281 bytes)

If you live closer to the western part of Pennsylvania and would like more information about Silky Terriers, my partner, Lucy Reynolds, would also be able to assist you. To contact her, use the email link under my name and address.

To learn more about the Silky Terrier breed, check out the following links:

grn_psh6.gif (21176 bytes) AKC Silky Terrier Standards Page
grn_psh6.gif (21176 bytes) Silkydog-L Website & Discussion Group
Also, if you're looking for a place to board your dog, visit our kennel: vilgkenl.jpg (21538 bytes)