Registered Doberman Pinschers and Arabian Horses


Here is a photo of my first "Doberman Gang" Nadia, Calypso, Mardi and Dobee.


This Doberman image supplied by Amy Head of AHead Graphics. Her website is listed in the links below.

In 1969 I purchased my first Doberman Pinscher. Her name was Dee Kays Dobee, UD, TDX. Until Dobee owned me, I had been warned by many people that Dobermans "Couldn't be trusted" and they "Turned on their owners." Since those early years I have found out how wrong those people were. Dobee was the first of many. She gave me, Adobe's Mardi Gras, CDX, TD, Adobe's Calypso, CDX, and her granddaughter, Adobe's Burning Love, CDX.

When Dobee's daughter, Calypso, died in 1989 at 13 years, eight months, I had already made a slight change in direction. I moved from being strictly in obedience and purchased a dog with the intention of also doing conformation showing. This is where I am today, involved in both.

My current Dobermans are:

Ch. Adobe's California Dreamin, CD - Malibu (Am.Ch. Angel's Dark Thunder X Ch. Moonspier's Adobe Wind Song, CDX, Am.CD) Photo by Cheri McNealy, Handler, Linda Hoff

Pedigree: Ch. Adobe's California Dreamin, C.D.

Pedigree for
Ch. Adobe's California Dreamin, C.D. OFA6618G35F

Doberman Pinscher

  Am.Ch. Angel's Dark Thunder, OFA3937G24M
  Am.Can. Ch. Terraden's the Chocolate Soldier, WAC OFA2695
  Ch. Lujac's Daniel OFA1337
  Ch. Teraden's Red Hot Sizzle
  Angel's Desert Romance
  Am.Can.Ch. Starstorm Thunderbolt, CD OFA1549
  Angel's Sabrina V Kalon, WAC OFA2506
  Ch. Moonspier's Adobe Wind Song, CDX, Am.CD OFA4738G26F
  Am.Can.Ch. Freespirits the Max Factor OFA4099G
  Am.Can.Ch. Sherluck's Drum Fire OFA3509G50M
  Am.Can. Ch. Freespirit's Cappucine
  Ch. Justjayne's Gay Abandon OFA3282G31F
  Ch. Ravenhill's Adonis
  Ch. Justjayne's Take a Chance on Me

This pedigree page was built for free at the SitStay GoOut Store

Ch. Adobe's California Sizzler, CDX - Rojita (Am.Ch. Angel's Dark Thunder X Ch. Moonspier's Adobe Wind Song, CDX, Am.CD) Photo by Cheri McNealy, Handler, Linda Hoff

Ch. Adobe's Dreamspinner - Vegas (Ch. Westarr's Technicolor Dreamcoat X Ch. Adobe's California Dreamin, CD)

Adobe's Immortal - Methos (Ch. Soquel's Distant Thunder X Ch. Adobe's California Dreamin, C.D.) Photo by Ellice Hauta, Handler Cynthia Lerfold)

My dogs have their OFA certification, CERF, Cardio testing, Thyroid and vWD done before being bred.

Here are some photos taken by their proud owners of some members of my Malibu-Thunder litter.

This is Tyras in his back yard, and next is Stryker, in his. Rival, one of the red boys, in a show stack.

Zack, finishing his Canadian Championship.

Here is Nakai at six months of age and next his two red brothers, Methos and Mocha, also at six months.

As a proud winner of a Skylock Web Page Award I invite you to visit her website at: 

Visit Skylocke

This British Columbia Dog Breeders site belongs to Darlene Gordon.
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On a very limited basis, I also breed Arabian horses. My horses are:

El Alazan, Adobe Drifting Moon. More will be forthcoming on them later.

ALERT - STOLEN ARABIAN MARE: On July 29, 1997, my purebred Arabian mare was stolen. I have been desperately searching for her ever since. Can you help? She might be living in your neighbourhood! She was taken from her home on Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada, and could be almost anywhere after all this time. She is one of my babies and my favourite trail riding mare. I find it hard to believe that someone would be so cruel and heartless as to take her from me, but that is the reality. She is 15 years old, 15.2 hh and very distinctly Arabian. She is an eyecatcher and stands out in a crowd, having very typical Arabian mannerisms. She tends to have a fungal infection on her left white stocking which untreated will also develop on her other white leg markings. If you think you might have seen her or know her whereabouts, please contact me as follows:

Darlene Gordon, RR 2, Site 255 C-5, Courtenay, B.C. V9N 5M9 (250) 334-2031



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owned by Adobe Reg. Doberman Pinschers

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DNA Studies in Doberman von Willebrands Disease

Wobblers Syndrome in Dogs

Doberman Dialated Cardiomyopathy (from the DPFA page)

Dog Owners Guide to the Doberman

Orthopedic Foundation for Animals

American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)

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