www.stopanimalpatents.org JACKIE BEAGLE BOY

Jackie Boy - The Best Beagle Boy

Jackie boy portrait by Kevin Roeckl
I'm a pedigree Beagle born Aug 27th, 1997, I am the most handsome beagle in the world or so my mom says. I am also a city beagle a " New York City beagle". I have an older brother Master Luke Skywalker and a older sister Sydney. My big brother is a Old English Sheepdog he's 10 years old, Sydney my sister is a Dobie she's 5 years old. Everyone calls me cute but I know better, you see I stand between my brother and sister and I am "BEAGLE BOY MASTER OF THE WORLD" because my brother says so OH and I also now have a beagle sister named Angel she's OK I just wish she wouldn't try and steal my food! And one of my favorite things to do is walking with my best friends Boofy and Trooper in Central Park NYC.

Applegates Do You Believe in Magic learns

So much has changed the pack is now 5 beagles LIVING in Portland Oregon ! The "Star" of the show is Pippin or " Applegates Do You Believe in Magic " Pippin is showing in the Great Pacfic Northwest and being handled but who we BELIEVE to be the "BEST DARN HANDLERS IN THE WORLD " ~~ CAMP SAGE Pamala and Al Sage are makeing our show world experience Fun, Exciting and enjoyable adventure.

Look at me I can talk.

You talking to me...


I'm in trouble

Jackie learns AROOO

Jackie is still AROOING

Who me says Jackie

Jackie boy and his sister Angel

Jackie boys second Birthday


Angels Pre- op and post operation - not pretty

Kevin Roeckl Artist - bio and painting shown

At the park with Kevin's Family

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Email me!

Here's Jackie boys brother "Luke" page 2.

Here's Jackie boys sister "Sydney" page 3.

Here's beagle page 4, Angel.

Angels story from rescue to home page 5.

This RingSurf
My Beagle Pet
Net Ring is owned by
Susan O'Brien.

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