Penny Ante Home Page
Home to Brent and Cindy Lundberg

Welcome to our little acre of cyberspace. We are a small outfit, hence the name "Penny Ante". Feel free to look around and stay as long as you like. You can look at some of our place or all of it, just use the links at the bottom. I have put together a picture collection of our animals and the things that we do. Please be patient as some of the pages take a while to load, we hope you will find them worth the wait.

Each of the groups of animals have their own page. The cattle had a problem with me showing the branding pictures where they have to share with the horses but I explained to them that they are educational in showing people that we still use the old ways and that they are good ways too. They agreed to share, cattle can be reasonable too. Now if I can just keep the cats out of there….. All you have to do is find the picture at the bottom and click on the group of animals you want to see.

Brent devoted his page to the equipment we use to get our job done. He and his father, Brad, make some really nice equipment. Rawhide reins, bosals, hackamores, silver bits, conchos, etc. I can only say that I am lucky to have these two around as I am always well outfitted. He also includes some tips on care of your rawhide gear which is a life saver, literally, for those beautiful rawhide items. So if you have anything leather or rawhide for your horse you must read this. 

My page has the links of the places that I like to go and to the places that I have found all of the music and such that has made our little acre possible. There should be something for all.

There is also a page where you can see some of the pictures that we got from the new movie "Hearts and Bones" starring Keifer Sutherland, Darryl Hannah, Molly Ringwald and an intro for Marcus Thomas.

We hope that you enjoy your stay with us and come back soon. If you have any comments or suggestions about any of our pages send us an e-mail and please sign our guest book so that we know you've been here… is always welcome. Remember to leave your URL so we can visit you too.

Brent's Stuff



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