All of the Lhasas in our house are primarily our "bestest friends" - whether they are of show quality, or not, they all deserve the same respect. Why else would you keep so many of the same breed? They all "run riot" in and out of the house and we are proud to say that they live the 'normal' life of a dog. They are not 'put in oil' are not banded (apart from their facial hair), are not crated (apart from when they go to bed) and are free to do whatever a dog feels like doing and believe us......they can do an awful lot!!!!! We do not brag about all of our breed's latest wins, we have lots of our dogs doing extremely well in foreign countries, but we are not a commercial site. We breed very rarely, and thankfully are not in it for the money - the most important thing is that the dog is living a healthy and happy life. An 'extra title' here or there does not cut any ice with us. We breed purely for the love of it. We are happy to say that we have added many dogs from all over the world (whoever the breeder) to our page, and we hope that you enjoy your visit

The Happiest Lhasas in the World
Robbie, Chutchi and Beppalina
All now living in the lap of luxury in Kavala, Greece
with their mum Sarah - a TRUE Lhasa lover!!!!

Dutch & Lux. Ch. Kizmet Gypsy Queen

Love is a basket full of Kizmet Lhasa Apsos

Lhasas in the snow
Meet some of our family
Origin of the Lhasa Apso
Grooming your Lhasa Apso
Bouncer's Page
Breed Standard
Fun photos of Lhasas from around the world
Stoney's Tale
Apply for our award
Winners of our award
Sign our Guestbook


Klik hier: Ankerworld


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Kizmet Lhasa Apsos
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