It's a Ferret's Life...

Meet Bella and Vinny,
the world's most loveable ferrets!

You may think your ferret is the most adorable, but let me assure you, mine are.

Here, let me prove it to you...

Chances are, you're here because I've invited you to visit. 

But if  you've stumbled across this site in your search for
ferretal bliss,
Please, feel free to have a look around, and send me a note in the comments section if you wish.
For those of you who are visiting because of my invitation, you know who you are... FERRETS ARE NOT VERMIN!!! So cut it out...Rick!

My name is Bernice, and by now you've probably met my two incredible ferrets, Bella and Vinny.  They are by far the best pets I've ever had.  They don't bark, they don't ruin the lawn, and they sleep while I'm at work (usually on my feet while I'm writing).  But if you're thinking of getting a ferret, there's a few things to be prepared for. 

If you want to find out more, click on
"Life with Ferrets" above. 
I'm not an expert, but I have shared life with ferrets for the last five years, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.