Please exit this site asap! I made it about 2 years ago and haven't updated since.... it really sucks so go! shoo!! scram!!!
For all you animal lovers out there i don't hurt my cat.  She it naturally scared of everything.  If you want to see more cats like this one go to www.cat-scan.com
Here kitty kitty kitty!!!!
If you would note this dolphin is on Clarissa's page because she stole it.  =*o(
Some spiffy sites:

Moving Eyes


Kaleidoscope Painter

The Hamster Dance

Leo's Icon Archive

Cool Archive
Aren't they sooooooo cute!?
My friends pages...




Drew (oh i'm sorry, it's really Andrew but... oh nevermind...)

John (u might not want to go there...SERIOUSLY)

he he he...
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