ADT's by Joy

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We find that owning Airedale Terriers (ADT for short) is about the greatest thing in the world. That's why we've shared our lives (and loves) with ADT's since 1975, not counting my hubby who has owned them since the 60's. Yep, he converted me to the wonderful world of ADT's. If you are interested in learning more, or just want to check out the world of doggies (and especially Airedales), there are a few sites on the Web that you should visit. But be real careful ... Airedales are habit-forming!!!

Looking to own an Airedale?
A good place to start is the breeders list at the Airedale Terrier Club of America's web page... Good Luck!


Set Your Sites On...

Vicki Reggie has a famous mom,   Vicki   aka Am. & Can. Ch. Victorianne Rainbow Lace, CGC, TDI, TT, whose picture was chosen to appear on packages of Purina Dog Chow!!! Great going mom!!!!! And if you click on the thumbnail, you can see the full sized version.

atca The Airedale Terrier Club of America   website is a great site to get yourself acquainted with the wonderful world of Airedales. Drop in there to learn everything from the Airedale's heritage to joining the Club. There, you can also find links to shopping for everything from books to pins to caps! You can also view the catalog showing show results. This site is a must see!

Fun is being able to correspond with others about airedales, and that's what the Airedale-L mailing list is all about. Why not check out their site and while you're there.... join the list!!

Want lots of information on ADT's? Then you must visit AiredaleTerriers.org. Here you will find everything from articles to a calendar of airedale events.

American Kennel Club which has everything from breeds to show results.

Cyberpet is also a great resource for information both on and for pet fanciers, exhibitors, breeders, dogs, cats, clubs, rescue, products, services, publications, monthly articles & more.

Info Dog where you can get lots of information about dog shows.

caseyJ-B Wholesale Pet Supplies, Inc is the place to visit for all your pet supply needs.

Anyone for Airedale terrier gifts and collectibles? The check out the Animal Krackers page where you can view a wide array of items

Try Animal Connection, which includes a link to "Noah", a search engine dedicated to quality animal web sites.

Professor Hunt's Dog Page is a great site to find out about all breeds. Dont miss her Terrier Links Page which includes a section on ADT's.

For an international flavor, I recommend you visit the Airedale Terrier Club of Queensland. This Australian site includes pictures, events and links to other airedale sites .

Take a look at Traditions and some really nice Airedale Tiles. A portion of all proceeds support Airedale Rescue.

You Can Help Airedales In Need...
airedale rescue On a serious note, A T R A Airedale Rescue & Adoption, Inc. needs you!!
Wonderful Airedale Terriers are in need of rescue all over the country. This from the Rescue page: "They sit in shelters, are advertised "free to a good home" and forage by the side of the road. The reasons they were unwanted are myriad, we can tell your from experience, it was NOT the dog's fault. For these reasons there is a network of volunteers who have choosen, because they love the breed, to rescue these dogs and find responsible homes for them. The satisfaction that comes from rescuing and adopting an Airedale in need is like no other."

Then, check out the New England Airedale Rescueto see the wonderful items they have for sale. All proceeds go to support this important organization.

If you have any questions or comments please e-mail me at



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