Greetings fellow gerbil lover…!


Pat and Mary Jo

Welcome you to

The Snooty Agouti

"Home of happy, healthy, homebred gerbils"



Meet our Founder and CEO, "Snooty"


" Being homebred helped me discover the

kindness in humans…and they’re easy

to train too! "


Specializing in Lilac, Red Fox, and Nutmeg gerbils


Members of

The American Gerbil Society


The Wildlife Conservation Society

Week of 03-01-04

Becoming a successful gerbil keeper is a worthy goal to work toward. Adopting a gerbil, or any pet, can fill the human spirit with the love of giving, the joy of caring, the challenge of commitment, the wonder of creation and the preciousness of life. This can also be said for respecting and appreciating our wildlife heritage.

Pat and Mary Jo



Thank you for visiting us...while you are here we certainly will enjoy your company. Take your time and visit Snooty's various pages. As you do, you will become acquainted with the wonderful world of gerbils and The Snooty Agouti. To the right are pictures of three of our four breeding couples...Charasmatic (nutmeg female) and Silvercharm (male grey agouti), Sassy (female polar fox) and Londsdale (male nutmeg ), and Pentilis (male red fox) and Dharma (female red fox).

Before leaving, take a moment to visit our "Pup Den" for pups currently available for adoption, and our "Shipping and Adoption Protocols". If the Pup Den is empty, please try again in a week or so. We would love to hear from you...even if just to say Hi! The Snooty Agouti is located in New York City.


Mongolian Gerbil Care and Housing Primer

Housing At The Snooty Agouti (1)

Housing At The Snooty Agouti (2)

Getting Started

Cuisine At The Snooty Agouti

Gerbil Genetics

This Week At The Snooty Agouti/Snooty Chat Schedule

Snooty's Photo Album

Snooty's Pup Den

Snooty's Adoption Protocols

Snooty's Links Page

E-mail Snooty

About The Snooty Agouti


Enter and sign The Snooty Agouti Guestbook



Please visit us again soon…as our site continues to evolve!

Pat and Mary Jo



" I never met a human I didn’t lick… I mean like! "






This Gerbil and Jird Ring site is owned by
Pat and Mary Jo.

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Gerbil and Jird Ring?
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Gerbil lovers to visit this site since January 1, 2000.


* The pictures and text on this website are the property of the owners of The Snooty Agouti and may not be used without the written consent of the owner of this website. * All Photos Copyright PB