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Welcome to my homepage. I would first like to start by saying that I am happy you found your way here. In this life we are all brought togethre by one thing or another. I see you are here so this must mean that you were brought here by your computer and love of animals.
      There are many, many kinds of pets. They can range from the normal cat and dog ..... to lets say the more different kinds. If you came here to find out about different kinds of pets before you obtain one then I would suggest you take a few minutes to look around. They are as different as people not only in the way they look but the way they live. You will find out what I mean by checking them all out....
     Before we start..there are a few rules:
No feeding the animals....they have a reg. diet.
2. No petting the animals...some might bite.
3.                           HAVE FUN
In Memory Of