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Abdulatif Kahtan Alsaidi Abdulatif web site Abdulatif j4 Untitled Normal Page

Welcome to Abdulatif's Home Page

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Search Sites:  Google , Dog pile-Meta search , Mamma - Meta search, AltaVista , Arabia 

Arabic sites : Quraan , Arabic music, Arabic keyboard , Aljazeera TV ,Arabic Books,Arabic Books1

Arabic poems :  Jehat , Almu'alaqat 

Islamic sites : Al-islam, IslamOnline , OmerKhalid

Personal site   : Abdulatif

Encyclopedias sites : Britannica, Encarta, Alwaraq

Internet directories : Yahoo, Google,

Free E-mails : Yahoo , Hotpop (POP)

Free Host    : FreeServer, GeoCities 

Download   : DownLoad , Tucows

Translator   : Almisbar

Gallery:: Mohamed , Mohamed1, Abdulatif, Kamal ,Slideshow


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